Aardvark Mammals - Orycteropodidae - Aardvarks | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1992 Autumn | 35 | Square | |
Alioth Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 324 | 13 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
Aries Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 163 | 20 | Triangle | |
Bisque star Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2022
| 20 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
Bisque star Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-38 | 29 | Rectangle - A size 8 units | |
Cairo tiling Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 315 | 10 | Square Multiple units | |
Crocodile Reptiles - Alligators and Crocodiles | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 328 | 10 | Square 4 units | |
Diamonds Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Geometric Origami Kit (Idiot's Guides) by Nick Robinson
| 20 | Square 2 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Elephant Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1992 Autumn | 106 | Square | |
Elephant Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2018 Autumn | 75 | Square 4 units | |
Fenestrated cube Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2020 Spring | 95 | Square Multiple units | |
Fenestrated cube Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 321 | 16 | Square 6 units | |
Flag Symbols - Flags | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2012 Spring
| 52 | Square |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Flag Symbols - Flags | Robert Foord | British Origami by Nick Robinson

| 26 | Square |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Flower Flora - Flowers | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1992 Autumn | 127 | Square | |
Iris cube Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2020 Spring | 96 | Square 12 units | |
Iris cube Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 320 | 4 | Square 12 units | |
Matryoshka rhombic dodecahedron Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 317 | 28 | Rectangle - A size 6 units | |
Multiform coasters Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1991 Autumn | 10 | Square 4 units | |
Multiform swirl Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1991 Autumn | 10 | Square 8 units | |
Octahedron Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 225 | 34 | Square | |
Pleated designs Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 164 | 28 | Triangle | |
Pumpkin Flora - Fruit and Vegetables | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 128 | 16 | Square | |
Red cross cubes Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2019 Spring | 80 | Square 6 units | |
Red sails at sunset Vehicles - Boats | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2004 Spring | 53 | Square | |
Saltstraumen octahedron Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Origami Anywhere by Nick Robinson
| 72 | Square 6 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Shell cube Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Origami Anywhere by Nick Robinson
| 69 | Square 6 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Snap hexahedron Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1993 Autumn | 33 | Square | |
Snappy fish Fish | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1993 Autumn | 33 | Square | |
Star-crossed cube Boxes and Containers | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2022
| 10 | Rectangle - 1X4 4 units | |
Star-crossed cubes Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-39 | 46 | Rectangle - 1X4 4 units | |
Swan Birds - Anseriformes - Swans | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1993 Spring | 46 | Square | |
Teenage mutant ninja turtle Media and Culture | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 1991 Spring | 22 | Rectangle - A size | |
Triskelion Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2018 Spring | 53 | Square 3 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Triskelion Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Origami Masters by Nick Robinson

| 65 | Square 3 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Triskelion Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | Origami Tanteidan Magazine 166 | 8 | Square 3 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Tumbleweed Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Convention 2019 Autumn | 71 | Square 6 units
With variations | |
Windmill designs Geometric and other shapes | Robert Foord | BOS Magazine 155 | 38 | Square 4 units | |